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About Us



American River Charter School (ARCS) is an independent study/homeschool school option of the  Black Oak Mine Unified School District serving students Black Oak Mine USD, El Dorado County, and the adjacent counties of Placer, Sacramento, and Amador.
We serve students in grades TK -12.
We are Parent-Driven, Teacher Supported.
Many of our students participate in a variety of vendor classes and educational field trips.
ARCS Supervising Teachers (STs) provide support to parents who choose to homeschool their children.   Students enrolled in our homeschool option are able to choose from a wide-variety of educational opportunities including vendor classes, participation in Black Oak Mine USD sports progams (basketball, baseball, etc.) and dances as well as concurrent enrollment in class offerings at GSHS as well as Sierra Community College and Folsom Lake College.  Services and resources are provided to students through a dedicated budget of instructional funds allocated to enrolled students.
For more information please contact our school office at 530-333-8340.